10 Mar Achille Perilli. Geometric bodies balanced in the universe. Printed by Tecnostampa, Loreto.
“Complete catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture”, in two volumes: from 1945 to 2006 and from 2007 to 2016.
The Complete Catalogue of paintings and sculptures by Achille Perilli was presented in December 2019 at the ‘Galleria Accademia’ of Turin, It documents the work on canvas and the sculptures of the artist, considered one of most influential to emerge from Post World War II Italy, and founding master of Forma Uno (1947-52), a prestigious group active in Rome in the field of abstract research.
It is a reference work for knowledge and deeper understanding of the figure of the artist. It is the result of painstaking research into the papers preserved in the Perilli Archives, Italian and foreign libraries, as well as analyses of public and private collections.ty-year career, Achille Perilli has built his own universe, incessantly analysing the ‘need for a complex subject, a more communicating sign’ to propose as pictorial codes and instruments of knowledge.
Through a monumental corpus of 4800 images distributed over 920 pages, also published in English, the catalogue represents a precious and essential tool for the study of the collected works of the artist, forerunner of Italian abstract art.
The publisher, Silvana Editoriale, is a prestigious publishing house that originated from one of the most important Italian printing presses of the post-war period, the Amilcare Pizzi Arti Graphic Spa. This prestigious publisher entrusts its production to Tecnostampa in Loreto, recognising its excellent quality printing for reproducing these important works.
Edited by Giuseppe Appella
920 pages and 4800 images
Editor: Silvana Editoriale
Printed by: Tecnostampa Loreto