This important recognition was decreed by Stratego Group, organizer of the 32nd Print Economic Forum and Oro della Stampa 2023, the only event in Italy that rewards the "excellence of printing", to which is added a useful moment of in-depth analysis and analysis dedicated to the Italian industry of...

The MAN Museum in Nuoro is hosting from 3rd March, a previously unseen and important exhibition, curators Giovanni Francesco Tuzzolino and Federico Crimi, dedicated to the history and the myth of the Odessa Steps, renamed by popular culture as the “Potëmkin Staircase” following the success of the 1925 film by Sergej Michajlovič Ėjzenštejn, The...

On exhibition at Palazzo Roverella, from 8 October 2022 to 29 January 2023, organised by Gabriel Bauret, is the new event with the international photography presented by the ‘Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio’ (Savings Bank Foundation) of Padova and Rovigo, in collaboration with the municipality of...