07 Mar At The London Book Fair, The Sistine Chapel in HI-FI With The Multichannel Technique.
At London Book Fair, from March 14th to 16th, Stand 7B19, Tecnostampa will show the complete opera in three volumes La Cappella Sistina, co-edited by Musei Vaticani e Scripta Maneant, and realized in the Tecnostampa plant of Loreto-Ancona, Italy. The work was printed with multichannel technique able to obtain the high fidelity to the originals frescoes’ colours.
Collected works in three volumes sized 43,5 × 61 cm.: Gli affreschi del ’400, La Volta, Il Giudizio Universale.
Details scaled 1:1
• 778 pages printed on gsm 170 Tatami White Fedrigoni, 6 colours with stochastic technique • Front cover: plates lined by Sirio Pearl White Fedrigoni, 125 gsm; printed with 1 colour + 2 colours hot foil stamps
• Each volume lined with Cabra leather, differently colored
• Print run: 1999 copies.
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